Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Gaga Pit at EES!

Have your children been talking about the new Gaga Pit at EES?  I thought you might enjoy seeing some pictures of the new pit and students learning the game in PE class.  I am also including this link in case you want to watch children play this game.

Thank you to the parent volunteers who worked from 9:00-4:00 on Saturday building this pit!  They were:
Steve Bixby
Jenn & Jonathan Cort
Chris WIlliams
Bernie Holmes

Also, TM Turfscapes (Karen & Tom Moulton) donated the turf and a 3 person crew for 3 hours.

Finally, thank you to the parent volunteers who have signed up to oversee "the pit"next week when children begin to use it during recess.  Linda Collins has been so kind as to teach every student at EES how to play this game during PE this week!  Great team effort!!  We are so blessed to have such amazing parents!!!