Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Morning meetings at EES

Morning Meetings take place each morning at EES.  This routine is part of the Responsive Classroom approach to developing a strong classroom/school community.  Students come to school each morning and play outside for approximately 15 minutes.  They line up and come into the building in a respectful manner and join their class on the rug for Morning Meeting.  The purpose of this routine is to set the tone for a respectful learning environment and to develop a climate of trust in each classroom.  The hope is that the tone of Morning Meeting will extend to the rest of the school day.  Another purpose of this routine is to motivate children by addressing two human needs:  the need to feel significant, and feel a sense of belonging.  The other purpose is for students to have fun!  The routine for this meeting includes a greeting where students welcome each other and make eye contact with their classmates as they say good morning.  After the greeting there is usually an opportunity for students to share and then participate in some group activity.  This helps to build a whole class identity.  The meeting wraps up with news and announcements.  This includes a written message from the teacher and an overview of the day.  I hope this information about our daily routine is helpful to you as a parent.  Staff at EES instill a strong sense of community within our school in order for students to feel a sense of belonging!  Ask your child about their morning meeting will be interesting to hear what they have to say.