Friday, October 26, 2018

S.T.E. M. Week with Mrs. Field and Miss Kelley!

Mrs. Field's class worked with Ms. Kelley’s first graders on a Halloween themed STEM challenge. They had to create a contraption to launch a Halloween eraser the farthest distance. It had to be at least 3 inches tall and they could only use the materials provided: 4 cups, 2 spoons, 5 pipe cleaners, 20 craft sticks, 4 elastics, and masking tape.

After the fifth grade students left, I asked the first graders what words on their Charter were they feeling right now. Their hands popped up immediately!!  They shared SUCCESSFUL, because they completed the challenge, HAPPY, because they liked working with the older kids, LOVED, because the older students were so kind to them, and CONFIDENT, because they were successful!  Kudos to our teachers for bringing this opportunity to our students!  There are SO MANY benefits of cross grade lessons!