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Ice Cream Social
Bicentennial Kick Off
Diane Polley and her committee did a wonderful job. Thank you to her, Annie Archer, Laurel Eisenhauer, Holly & Emily Andrews, Susan Parady, Heidi Jackson-Dean and Laura Doyle. Daisy Nell did a great job with the second graders. They sang their original song, "200 years Proud and Free" and were acompanied by The Essex Bison. Tom Daniels had a slide presentation on Ice Harvesting on Chebacco Lake and had tools of the trade. Laurel Eisenhauer unvailed her "Then and Now" posters. They feature historical facts about Essex Departments and unique facts. These will be on display on the third floor of the Town Hall by the end of the month. Thanks to Lynne & Jay Havahurst for helping set them up. The tables were decorated with artwork from the Elementary School children.
Many thanks to Woodman's Inc. for providing the ice-cream and servers for the event. Special thanks to Lisa Purdy for the posters and grafic design. Also to Bonnie Scaterday for her help. Marsh Mellow was the winning flavor.
The committee appreciates Mark Buckley for updating his design and letting us use it for the Bicentennial clothing. Big shout out of thanks to Wally Mears and his crew at Jungle. Their expertise and attention to detail were above and beyond. Check back here for details about when & where we will be selling shirts next.
Senator Bruce Tarr and Representative Ann Margaret Ferrante presented a Resolution from the Senate and a Citation from the Govenor recognizing the Bicentennial of Essex. We thank them and Gloucester Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken for helping us celebrate.
This text was copied from the Essex Bicentennial link on the town's website. To learn more visit, essex-bicentennial-schedule-events.