Thursday, October 17, 2019

The GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance from MERHS met with our staff on Wednesday!

Mya Harmon (former EES student) and Genevieve Young provided a very profound and professional presentation to our staff on Wednesday. This focus is part of our School Improvement plan, which focuses on creating a safe and inclusive school environment.  

They explained the various terms including, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexual Preference as being three very different things.  

Wow, did we learn about flags and colors!  So much to think about...

They spoke to us about the use of pronouns and how significant that can be....

The most compelling information that supports our School Improvement Goal is the high incidence of mental health issues with people in the LGBTQ community. Anxiety and depression or at a much higher rate in this community and one would that there is a correlation to feeling accepted, especially at a young formative age. 

Thank you to Mya and Genevieve for sharing their knowledge and passion with the staff at EES.