Friday, September 17, 2021

Week # 3 At EES!!! 5 full days......we are all ready for a weekend! Building our Stamina!! :).

Miss Jordan's class learning the letters in their name with a name puzzle!

Mrs. Campanello excited about using her new Smart Board!

Miss Stella using her new Smart Board!

Mrs. Field modeling the Math Message for the day!

Miss Porciello modeling for students!

Mr. Skiba teaching about square units!

Mrs. MacNeill's third grade class!

Fun times in P.E. class!

Lining up after a fun recess!

Miss Featherstone assessing students in reading!

Teachers always benefit from collaboration!  

Using the Mood Meter to plot our feelings!

Developing a Class do we want to feel in our classroom?

Developing awesome reading habits in Mrs. Kasmarcik's classroom.

Safe lunchroom practices at EES!