Over 70% of each milk or juice carton is made from trees, a
renewable resource, and cartons are recyclable for over
50% of households in the US. In addition to recycling, milk and
juice cartons can be repurposed.
In this contest, kids are encouraged to use their imaginations
to repurpose their milk and juice cartons into a creation that
fosters environmental stewardship and focuses on establishing
school gardens.
The best use of cartons in a school garden gives your school
the chance to win one of 14 prizes with a grand prize valued
at $5,000.
● Teams must collect and use a minimum of 100 cartons in their project.
● Any size cartons will be accepted,.
● Cartons may be painted, varnished or left as raw-finished.
● Supporting materials may be used, but should only comprise a small percentage ofthe final creation.
● Submit up to 10 photos of your creation by April 13, 2016 to be eligible for prizes.This project was launched as a purpose for learning about the plant life cycle in an effort to answer the essential question, "How do organisms interact with their environments to get what they need to survive?" Enjoy some pictures and a quick video that explain this project-based learning activity that our 4th grade students clearly enjoyed! Way to go Ms. Oland and Mrs. Kasmarcik and all the parent volunteers for making this happen.